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Fed’s Powell reinforces likelihood of more rate hikes because of persistently high inflation

Speaking to a Senate committee, the Fed chair noted that “inflation has moderated somewhat since the middle of last year.” Still, the Fed chair stressed, “inflation pressures continue to run high.”

Ford’s battery joint venture to get $9.2 billion government loan

The loan will go toward building three battery factories in Kentucky and Tennessee, the Department of Energy said Thursday.

Microsoft, regulators tangle in court over fate of $69 billion deal that could reshape video gaming

Federal regulators on Thursday launched a legal attack on Microsoft’s proposed takeover of video game maker Activision Blizzard by depicting it as an anticompetitive weapon.

Lean green flying machines take wing in Paris, heralding transport revolution

There has been much dreamy and not always credible talk of skies filled with flying and nonpolluting electric taxis. That's about to change, industry leaders say.

Food bank, health clinic team again post-pandemic

The infectious disease clinic at Cambridge Health Alliance and Food for Free have renewed a longstanding partnership that had been put on hold during COVID.

Cambridge biotech Sarepta wins fast-track approval for the first muscular dystrophy gene therapy

The FDA limited the approval of Sarepta Therapeutics’ treatment to patients ages 4 to 5 years old who still have the ability to walk.


Cultivating community: Newport Pride founders open city’s first Pride Center

The couple behind the Newport Out tourism website opened the city’s first Pride Center this month, the latest effort they have championed in support of LGBTQ+ residents and visitors.

shirley leung

On Pride Month, Corporate America keeps getting it wrong

Companies like Target and Starbucks will do anything ― including jettisoning their values ― to make bad headlines go away and calm investors.