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Bird sightings from Mass Audubon

Recent bird sightings reported to Mass Audubon:

Multiple Acadian flycatchers were seen in various localities last week, two least terns made a very unusual inland appearance at the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge in Concord, and calling chuck-will’s-widows were reported in several localities.

Berkshire County: Single least bitterns at a Richmond marsh and in Cheshire, two worm-eating warbler on Mount Washington Road in Egremont, a hooded warbler at the Hopkins Memorial Forest, and 10 red crossbills at the October Mountain State Forest.

Cape Cod: Single Mississippi kites at First Encounter Beach in Eastham and Buckskin Path in Barnstable, a white-winged dove on Weeks Pond Drive in Sandwich and a swallow-tailed kite elsewhere in Sandwich, a continuing calling chuck-will’s-widow on Elain Avenue in Falmouth, a blue grosbeak at the Frances A. Crane Wildlife Management Area, worm-eating warblers at the Maple Swamp conservation area and Falmouth’s Town Forest, and Acadian flycatchers at Wing Island, Nickerson State Park, and Doane Rock in Eastham.

Essex County: Two yellow-crowned night-herons and two Acadian flycatchers at Plum Island, single Acadian flycatchers and yellow-bellied flycatchers at the Marblehead Neck Wildlife Sanctuary, and an Acadian flycatcher at Willowdale State Forest.


Franklin County: Three continuing sandhill cranes on Plainfield Road in Ashfield and a mourning warbler at the High Ledges Wildlife Sanctuary.

Hampden County: A blue grosbeak at the Southwick Wildlife Management Area and two hooded warblers at the Grace A. Robson Sanctuary.

Hampshire County: A blue grosbeak in Hadley and a mourning warbler at Mary Brown’s Dingle in Northampton.

Martha’s Vineyard: A Mississippi kite in West Tisbury, and a blue-gray gnatcatcher and a common raven in Edgartown.

Middlesex County: A very unusual inland appearance of two least terns at the Great Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, a continuing single prothonotary warbler at the Brewster’s Woods Wildlife Sanctuary, a hooded warbler at Long Lake Park in Littleton, and single grasshopper sparrows in Shirley and Holliston.


Nantucket: A clapper rail at the University of Massachusetts’ Nantucket Field Station, two Northern shovelers at Great Point, three black skimmers at Eel Point, and two calling chuck-will’s-widows along Polpis Road near Sesachacha Pond.

Norfolk County: Acadian flycatchers at the Moose Hill Wildlife Sanctuary and the Holly Hill Farm in Cohasset, a clapper rail at Moswetuset Hummock, 11 piping plovers at Wollaston Beach, and a black vulture in Medway.

Plymouth County: A yellow-crowned night-heron on Button Island, two American bitterns at the Burrage Pond Wildlife Management Area, four black vultures at the Nemasket Trail area of Plympton, and several interesting migrants at the Manomet bird observatory, including an Acadian flycatcher, a yellow-bellied flycatcher, a mourning warbler, and a late white-throated sparrow.

Suffolk County: Three white-rumped sandpipers at Winthrop Beach, an alder flycatcher at the Arnold Arboretum, and a mourning warbler at the Winthrop section of the Mary Ellen Welch Greenway.

Worcester County: Four lingering sandhill cranes in Hardwick, a Brewster’s warbler at the Fruitlands Museum Historic District in Harvard, a hooded warbler by an Elm Street powerline in Leominster, and a black vulture in Sturbridge.

For more information about bird sightings or to report bird sightings, call Mass Audubon at 781-259-8805 or go to www.massaudubon.org.

Isabela Rocha can be reached at isabela.rocha@globe.com.