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Food drives and free food help hungry kids to thrive

Any child or teen can enjoy a free summer meal with their friends at parks, schools, recreation centers, and more.photka - stock.adobe.com

Re “How to organize a food drive with your kids (Living Arts, June 2): As a parent and anti-hunger advocate, I recognize the importance of engaging kids with opportunities to solve hunger, an oftentimes invisible issue affecting 1 in 5 Massachusetts households. Food drives are a great way to support families facing hunger crises. There are also federally funded and accessible resources available to families right now, such as Summer Eats.

A critical statewide program, Summer Eats assists families by providing free meals to children and teens to ensure they continue growing and thriving over summer break. Participating meal providers operate meal sites, often in conjunction with activities and educational programming. All are welcome. No registration or ID is required.


When kids eat together, and eat for free, it creates a positive atmosphere without stigma for children who may rely on the free meals. Last year, kids ate 2.3 million meals in July alone through Summer Eats. Any child or teen can enjoy a free summer meal with their friends at parks, schools, recreation centers, and more. Bringing your children to eat at a Summer Eats site and helping spread the word will help ensure all children are properly nourished through the summer months.

Erin McAleer

CEO and president

Project Bread
