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Former senator Dean Tran faces new legal woes

The FBI is investigating him, and he already faces state charges in gun case.


Republicans make conspiracy theories their go-to explanation

What was once an occasional impulse has become a knee-jerk reflex.


Pardoning Trump is becoming the new GOP presidential litmus test

The threat Donald Trump has always posed has metastasized into a Republican Party virtue. The danger of this cannot be overstated.


Despite all the bad news about the T, Phillip Eng is still optimistic about fixing it

The T’s new general manager knows that changing rider perception of a system in crisis is a big part of his job.


Hunter Biden shows he isn’t above the rule of law

For a young voter like me, that is inspiring.


If I disagree with my liberal tribe, does that make me a conservative?

A lot of rhetoric on the left is proving to be unpersuasive — and even alienating.


In rejecting affirmative action, Justice Thomas is no hypocrite

Judges vow to uphold the Constitution “faithfully and impartially,” without regard to their personal history.


William Barr’s infuriating redemption tour

Speaking the truth about Trump is fine. What the former AG won’t talk about is how he once served as Trump’s chief enabler and henchman.